Friday, October 18, 2013

My loss, Your Gain... OR one year old one year wiser

So tomorrow is my 30th birthday. For lots of people this is a really big deal/milestone. For me my 26th birthday was the really big deal/milestone (for personal reasons). But everyone keeps asking me if I"m going to do something speical for my "Milestone" birthday. So I have decided to but myself to the test! I want to see if I have aged like fine wine or more like milk. I'm going to under take a hand full of wood working projects. Some will take great skill while others will take some ingenuity. My goal is to finish all the project tomorrow (except for staining them because that takes days to do it right). Than I'm going to judge myself on my work (or call in a 3rd party to do the judging).

Now you may be asking "OK GREAT but why put this on a blog about farming?" To which I would reply "First it is my blog" and next "Good questing!"

The answer is I'm going to be making a cider press as the project that involves my ingenuity skills. But I'm going to document the whole process and (if it works) post the full instruction here. The goals for the press will be that it is effective, quick to build (I have about 1/3 of a day to do it), and cheap to build (as most of my money will be going to the other projects)

So stay toned! Keep your eyes open for "HOW TO BUILD A CIDER PRESS" coming soon.

OR if it is an epic fail keep your eyes open for "how NOT to build a cider press"

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