Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cider Report!!

So I tried my hand at making cider and hard cider. The Cider turned out great!! I filtered it so it was clear and my kids were then willing to drink it. When I made the hard cider it turned out pretty good. It taste a lot like Hornsby's Hard Cider ( only flat. So I seprated the finished product into two different bottlings. One was just straight hard cider which no surprise to this day still taste like flat Hornsb's. Now the other batch I added priming sugar to the bottles in hopes to carbonate them (getting rid of the flat taste). WELL it turns out that with Cider you need to at least double the normal about of priming sugar. The cider had some carbonation but not enough.

So the plan is to make another batch of hard cider. This time I"m going to photo-document the process and post it here for everyone to enjoy.

OH and the good think about making cider is even a failed attempt is tasty and still has some kick to it! HAPPY DRINKING


  1. With your "failed attempt" try to make some apple jack with it.

    1. I do enjoy a good apple jack! But my wife enjoys me better when I'm drinking something with a little less concentration of alcohol.

      BUT the apples season isn't over yet so how knows what the Yooper Homestead will produce before winter is here!
