Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More proof I'm in a bad spot to be a farmer!

So I was walking around doing some Christmas shopping when a magazine caught my eye. It was "Chickens" from "Hobby Farms" it was the January/February 2012 addition. One of the cover stories is "Cooping with Cold Conditions" and they have a pic of a chicken with socks and a hat on. I bought it while thinking I wish they would have had this article sooner. The article goes on to say that the author doesn't have a problem with cold conditions so she went some where that does have cold conditions...Lyons, Colo. Now let me quot her description of this "winter" farming conditions, "...where wintertime temperatures average 40 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 20 degrees at night, with an average of 85 inches of snow!"

Yep that made me laugh. November our average is about 41 high and 26 low and by far it is one of the warmer months that are in the winter season. Next month our average high is 30 and our average low is 15 and that still isn't the coldest month! (for anyone that is interested Feb. is the coldest month) and snow fall is around 150 inches.

Now I'm not saying the article was bad I actually really enjoyed it and found some interesting tricks I may try. (Hay bales maybe in my future) All I do have to say is no matter what I try it needs to be stronger, better build, and more planning than what someone in Lyons, Colo. will have in their back yard.

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